Photoshop CS5 One on One Fundamental

| Photoshop CS5 One on One Fundamentals

Posting kali ini kami akan membagikan kepada anda sebuah video tutorial Photoshop dari yang berjudul Photoshop CS5 One on One Fundamental disertai dengan file file latihan. Photoshop adalah editor foto yang paling kuat di dunia, dan itu bisa dibilang yang paling kompleks, juga. Untungnya, tidak ada yang tahu program seperti memenangkan penghargaan buku dan video yang penulis Deke McClelland. Bergabunglah Deke saat ia mengeksplorasi fitur seperti Photoshop sangat diperlukan sebagai resolusi, cropping, koreksi warna, retouching, dan lapisan. Mendapatkan keahlian dengan dunia nyata proyek yang masuk akal. Latihan file menyertai kursus.


  • Selamat Datang di Photoshop CS5 One-on-One
  • Membuat Photoshop editor foto default
  • Instalasi pintas keyboard DekeKeys
  • Remapping Mac OS pintas
  • Instalasi pengaturan warna Terbaik Workflow
  • Pengaturan warna menjelaskan
  • Memuat pengaturan warna CS5 di Bridge
  1. Apa yang bisa anda lakukan di photoshop, Part 1: The Avatar, There is nothing you can't do, The power of Photoshop, Duplicating a layer, Liquifying an image, Adding a layer mask, Loading an alpha channel, Selecting with, Color Range, Making a Hue/Saturation layer, Luminance blending, Mask density, Making a knockout layer
  2. Setting Up ‘Shop, Cara terbaik untuk bekerja, Menentukan preferensi Umum, Mengganti warna karton, penanganan file, kinerja, dan unit, Touring antarmuka Photoshop, Membuat dan menyimpan ruang kerja, pengaturan Mengubah dan memperbarui ruang kerja, Mengatur ulang preferensi
  3. Opening and Organizing, The amazing Adobe Bridge, Membuat gambar baru, Membuka gambar, Membuka dan menutup beberapa gambar, Membuka gambar masalah, Menambah informasi file, Memperkenalkan Adobe Bridge, Sebuah tur angin puyuh Bridge, Mengatur antarmuka dan thumbnail, Menggunakan layar penuh pratinjau, Rotating gambar di sisi mereka, menetapkan peringkat bintang dan label, Menyaring thumbnail di panel Isi, Pindah, menyalin, dan menghapus file, Membuat dan menetapkan kata kunci, pencarian dan koleksi, Batch-ekspor file JPEG, Batch-nama, substitusi String dan ekspresi reguler, Pengelompokan gambar ke dalam tumpukan, Membandingkan gambar dalam modus Review, Bermain gambar dalam tayangan slide, Menyesuaikan dan menyimpan workspace, Menggunakan Mini Bridge di Photoshop CS5
  4. Navigation, Learning Tutorial to swim inside an image, The tabbed-window interface, Arranging image windows, Common ways to zoom, New zoom tricks in Photoshop CS5, Hidden old-school zoom tricks, Scrolling and panning images, Viewing the image at print size, The Navigator and "bird's-eye" scrolling, Nudging the screen from the keyboard, Scroll wheel tricks, The Rotate View tool, Cycling between screen modes, Using the numerical zoom value
  5. Image Size and Resolution, Imaging fundamentals, What is image size?, The Image Size command, Selecting an interpolation option, Upsampling versus "real" pixels, The penalty of pixels, Print size and resolution, Downsampling for print, Downsampling for email, Options for upsampling, Better ways to make a big image
  6. Cropping and Straightening, Frame wide, crop tight, Using the Crop tool, Fixing out-of-canvas wedges, Crop tool presets, Previewing the crop angle, The Crop command, Straightening with the Ruler tool, Cropping without clipping, Perspective cropping
  7. Basic Color Correction, Making drab colors look better, Brightness and contrast, Adjusting numerical values, Introducing adjustment layers, Editing adjustment layers, Saving adjustment layers, Adding a quick layer mask, Introducing the Histogram, Working with the Histogram panel, Using Color Balance' Introducing the Variations command' Luminance and saturation controls' Fading a static adjustment' How hue and saturation work' Rotating hues and adjusting saturation' Creating a quick and dirty sepia tone' Adjusting hues selectively' The Target Adjustment tool' Photoshop CS5 Target Adjustment enhancements, Adjusting the color of clothing, Enhancing a low-saturation image, Refining saturation with Vibrance
  8. Making Selections, Photoshop versus the real world, Meet the selection tools, Marking the center of an image, Drawing a geometric selection outline, Blurring a selection outline with Feather, Copy and paste versus drag and drop, Creating a graduated selection, Aligning one image with another, Accessing the Move tool on the fly, Invert and Match Colors, Matching colors selectively, Feathering and filling a selection, Dressing up a composition with effects ,The incredible image rotation trick, The Magic Wand tool, Tolerance and other options, Grow, Similar, and Inverse, Quick selection and the Magnetic Lasso, Evaluating a selection in Quick Mask, 3d,  Saving and loading selections, Placing an image with a layer mask, Eliminating edge fringing
  9. Retouching and Healing, Brushing to correct, How brushing works, Working with spacing, Changing size and hardness, The heads-up Color Picker, Flipping a mirror image, Setting the source for the History brush, Brightening details with the Dodge tool, Darkening details with the Burn tool, The Sponge tool
  10. Layer Essentials, The layered composition, Making a new background layer, Working with "big layers", Move, Duplicate, and Scale, Transforming a copy and repeat, Stacking order and eyedropping a layer, Adjusting multiple layers at once, Switching between layers, Making a digital star field, Blend mode and clipping mask, Dragging and dropping from your desktop, Black + Lens Flare = glow, Locking transparency, Adding gradient layers, Stacking an adjustment layer, Adding shadow and stroke
  11. Printing, PDF, and Web Gallery, Outputting from Photoshop and Bridge, Printing an RGB composite, Customizing the subjective print file, Gauging print size, Scale, position, and page orientation, Three important printing curiosities, Introducing the Output options, Establishing a bleed, Using the Color Management options, Generating a PDF contact sheet, Creating a contact sheet template, Saving and opening a PDF contact sheet, Introducing the Web Gallery, Exporting and editing an HTML site, The Airtight Photocard site
  12. Saving Images for the Web, Rules of the web, Introducing web graphics, A first look at Save for Web, Scaling a layered image versus a flat one, Incremental downsampling, Adding text, bar, and stroke, Assigning copyright and metadata, Comparing GIF, JPEG, and PNG, Determining the perfect JPEG settings, Saving metadata, Working with an unprofiled RGB image, Downsampling graphic art, Saving a GIF graphic, Antiquated GIF versus the better PN

Tutorial Detail :

Title : Photoshop CS5 One on One Fundamental
Publisher :
Author : Deke Mc Clelland.
File Size : 3,72 GB
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